the day i wrote this entry,,i am in deep frustrations,.. yea,,stressed out the most perfect word to describe it,..seriously.. its just not about assignments,..but,,its also include some other people's that involved in my life....
can I like,,deactivate my fb account?
sorry,,but,,i REALLY need the time on my own,,,can i really do that?
as if I can do that right,..but,,,seriously,,i need that time,... hmm,.. i am bursting into tears now,.. yea... but,, when,,i thought about it back,,didn't it necessarily to deactivate my fb account,.. its just,,yea,,running away IS NOT gonna solve any problems,,right? so..why should i run then? why?
well,,,yea.. just need time to settle all these things,.. & yea,,thanks to da one that criticize me,,all of the it is somehow help me a lot! haha,,not kidding tis time,.. it is helping,.. well,,who are you to bring me down right? i have ALLAH,,my parents,my family...& my friends that know me far better than you are.. so,,please... just get out of my life,.. i don't need you,,the one that only know how to criticize others but DON'T KNOW how to ACCEPT others people's thought...
as for the one that know me,.. thanks a lot for being there 4 me,.. :-)
appreciate it a lot!
will not deactivate my fb account just because of someone that annoyed me.. will not gonna happen,.. :-)
feel relieved now,.. than before,.thanks my dear blog,.. haha..
Thursday, December 8, 2011
yea..i am stressed out!
Posted by bella at 12:25 PM 0 comments
Monday, December 5, 2011
assalammua'laikum,.. hi bloggers! how are you guys? well..hope you guys are in the pink of health...
yea..i'm fine,,alhamdulillah,..
okay,..wanna say my condolence towards KHAIRUL FAHMI CHE MAT a.k.a APEX..who lost his brother due to high fever & some said he has infections in his lung,.. may he rest with peace.. semoga ditempatkan dikalangan orang yg beriman,,takziah sekali lagi..
also,,wanna say my condolence towards ustaz SULAIMAN BIN ZAHLAN's family.. arwah ustaz merupakan Penasihat Jawatankuasa Penggerak Masjid di CTU UiTM Alor Gajah,,Melaka....that day,,I know that he was admitted in ICU due to heart attack..but,,i wasn't sure the reason why he passed away,.. emm,,, semoga ustaz ditempatkan di kalangan orang yang beriman.. takziah sekali lagi..
not forget,,today my inbox was full of messages that urged me to watch MHI and listens to HOT FM.. particularly,,i don't because i don't even know about the interview,.. yea,,the interview with our nation footballers..congrats 4 them,.. :-) proud3!!
right,,there's a lot to tell is it? hmm,,,i wonder..well,,kinda actually! i've been busy now,.. haa,,,assignments overwhelming!! huhuhuhuhuhu,.. a lot of things need to be settle,..yet,,have to find the source too,.. but... its okay,,its alright,.. i just love the way it is,..* pujuk hati sendiri ni.*. :-) hahahaha..
em,,missing my family,.. yea,,really miss them,.. i can burst into tears when i really miss them,.. & because of that,,i am in dire of going home this weekend.. yea,,insya-ALLAH,..hope that it would be okay...
actually,,for the time i writing this entry,,i am a lil bit feel offended with someone..yea.. its true,,not kidding! because of what yea ? behaviour! come on,,please have some respects towards me.. i am not,,the one that will simply go to someone that annoys me,,& blurt whatever in my mind.. i am NOT the one..seriously..
but,,what you did..really annoys me,... i can't accept it,,
but,,yea..will try to forget about it,,insya-ALLAH..
okay,,,stop 4 now.. will update soon,.. :-)
& guys,,please pray 4 me yea? so that,,everything will runs smoothly.. amin2,..ya rabbal alamin,.. right,,night everyone!
Posted by bella at 10:41 PM 0 comments
Sunday, November 27, 2011
what should i say?
first of all,,SALAM MAAL HIJRAH kepada cmua umat islam,.. sama2 ktew bhijrah ke arah yg lbey baek slepas niy yea... insya-ALLAH...
em,,hari ini hari ahad,.. mmg agak bz cket,,coz da kndury yg perlu dihadiri,.. alhamdulillah,,cmuanyew bjlan lancar.. :-)
the moment i am typing this entry,,i actually felt so frustrated until i barely can't describe how it feels.. it just like a glass that smash onto a stone.. can imagine how was it? seriously,,,cgt2 frust!
yea,,i know,..bkn mudah utk menerima kkalahn,.. sy twu,.. & sy fham,..cma,,xtwu knapa sy rsa ssah nk terima,.. maybe coz ktew da leading dgn baek tdy..
MALAYSIA,.kalah lagi,.. seriously,,it shouldn't happen.. okay,,stop at there! xsnggup nk tulis lg,.. sememangnyew,,brat nk terima,,tpy,,nk wt cmne? da mmg xdew rezeky ktew nk mnang.. player2 da cba lakukn yg tbaek,.. lg pown.. da diantara yg dibelenggu kcederaan,,but still twun,.. 2 mnunjukkn btapa diaowg nk kn kmenangan,..
so,,as a supporter and one of the big fan of football,,,i accept it,.. redha,.. coz,,mmg nmpk diaowg da cba,.. just hlang fokus last2 mnit,.. insya-ALLAH,.. MALAYSIA pasti akan bangkit cmula,.. cme2 ktew doakn,........ :-)
*p/s utk certain2 pminat bola yg anta mcj kpd sy.. twu anda frust,,sy pcaya 1 MALAYSIA sdang frust krana team ktew klah,.. tpy,,tlg jgn pnuhkn inbox fb sy dgn soalan2 yg sy sndiri xdew jwpnnyew,.. yea? knpa MALAYSIA maen cm 2..?sorry...but,, i am NOT the right one to talk about this & i have NO rights in judging them,... sorry..hope you guys would understand.. :-)
Posted by bella at 11:08 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
new class..
em,,today is 23/11/11... yea..its been almost 3 days since the new semester starts... tell you guyz what,,been in the other class (not the class in last sems) make me feel uncomfortable,.. but,,only at first, feel kinda odd ! huhuhu,..
right,,enough about that,.. yea,,perhaps,,its still new,.. & people tend to make a lot of assumptions toward others,... hey..first impressions is the last impressions right? either actually,.. but,,i do stick at the principle "do not judge the book by its cover".. yea.. i did that.. but,,when they have showed their true color,,yea..what more to expect..its their attitude right!
okay,,get back to the schedule,,well,,i think,.. quite pack,,but,,i just love it!! :-)
roommate? yea..okay.. college too! :-) alhamdulillah...
what more hmm?
oh yea..the football game,.. congrats MALAYSIA 4 sustaining the gold medal,.. hahaha,..proud to be MALAYSIAN,...
and,,tonight... there will be another game right? ahaa.. the senior team! MALAYSIA VS SYRIA.. haha.. well,... best of luck & make us proud yea?
victory2,,,please.. :-)
one more thing that i would wanna share,.. my feet,.. melecet! alahai,.. cdeyh! seriously,,i'm not pulling ur legs,.. its really hurt me! :-(
thought of going to clinic,,but then yea,.. what they'll do is only by giving cream that might help to reduce the pain & plaster,.. yea,,plaster,.. i am running out of it now,.. huhuhuhuhu..
okay,,,thats 4 now,.. later on,,insya-ALLAH,,i'll update some more yea? thanks for reading! keep following my blog friends!
salam 1 malaysia..
Posted by bella at 9:52 AM 0 comments
Sunday, November 6, 2011
feel like crying! :-(
okay,,first of all,,, SALAM AIDILADHA 2 every MUSLIMS in the world.. may ALLAH bless all of us,.. :-)
Its quite some time since last i'm updating the blog,.. sorry,.. can't really find enough time to write it here... a lot things had happen,... sometimes,,,I do feel like crying,... YA ALLAH,,,give me the strength please,.. afraid that I can't really handle it anymore...
it is too many,,if i would to say it here,..i think,maybe until the day of tomorrow also it will be not come to an end.. just sometime yea, people said that,,,its good to have someone behind our back,.. *ala,,cm ctew dlm tv,..wa blakang lu bro!* hahahaha,.. sounds funny is it? but thats the reality,.. if we do have a true friend that always will be with us,,no matter what happen,,,we gonna be the luckiest person ever!
aiyaaa,... what am i babbling around? just whats wrong with me?
hmm,,,,until the moment i am typing this entry,,i would say that,,,my tears if going to roll down at my cheeks.. ya ALLAH,.. give me the strength please,.. protect me from all those things that gonna hurt me,...please...
i may not a perfect person,..i may not pretty,, and i may not tall as the all the models,..hahaha,, but i do know that,,i love my life so much,.. so please,,to those people who just only come in my life in order to annoy me,,or just to make me irritate,,well,,,i am welcoming you out of my life!
*p/s : sy xhalau anda,.. sy cma xnk msg2 btambah kbencian antara 1 sama lain,.. & andai kmaafan yg kamu pnta dari sy,,sy akan kata...
"ya aku,,maafkan kamu,,xperlu kta bertemu,,cukup kau tahu... ya aku,,maafkan kamu,.. tlg teruskn hidup,,jgn sbut namaku"
itu antara lirik lagu jamal abdillah & malique,... hayatilaa,.. for me,,its quite a good song actually...
& to those people,,who always been there 4 me,.. thank you so much! do appreciate it well,.. hope you guys will keep it that way yaa... :-) hope it will last forever!!
ya ALLAH,.. hambaMU ini berterima kasih ats sgala rahmat yg KAU limpahkan kepadaku,.. terima kasih juga atas segala dugaan yg diberikn,.. seseungguhnya,,ia membuat hambaMU ni mnjady lbey tabah,..
akhir kata,,, lastly,...
Posted by bella at 11:43 AM 0 comments
Friday, October 14, 2011
sorry,,tpy memang x pro!
assalammua'laikum,.. hi everyone,..first of all,,wanna say sorry 4 not updating the blog,..yes,,i am sorry... totally sorry,.. actually,,i've been busy with myself these last day,... so,,upon request by few close friends that asked me to update,,but then,,yaa,,now i am,..
well,,alhamdulillah,.. final exam & test had already being done,... hope will get the best result 4 it,..
dear pray 4 me yaa?
alright,,back to my entry,.. its about the football! hmm,,football? yaa,,football,.. just now,,i've just watched the game between kelantan & terengganu,.. it WAS NOT professional! seriously,.. particularly,,i am so sorry for saying like this,,but just can't take it anymore,. the game wasn't so fair! really didn't agree with the ref!
hmm,,,,what should i say yaa? nothing much exactly,.. just,,, a few people did asked me to write about ref nowadays,,but just,,i could not,,since i wasn't totally aware of it,.. but tonight,,yaaa,,i did watch the game,..& now i understand why people keep asking me to write about it,.. well,,,i don't know what to say or even write,,but just let see at the newspaper,.. i think it answer why,.. am i right? the article in newspaper are actually the answer for the request..
well,,,congrats for the team that qualify to the next game,.. keep up the momentum!
and,, to my dear beloved tokteh & her husband,,, & also makteh and her husband,.. & not forget,,all people that will go for pilgrimage & to perform their Hajj in Mekah,, i pray that you all will go & back safely,... do pray also for me yaa? btw,,tc everyone!
Posted by bella at 11:50 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
happy eid-independence everyone!
hmm,,lame an x update? mnx maaflaa cgt2 yew,.. serius,,xsmpat,..
btw,,happy eid-independence day,.. :-)
okay,,first nk cte niy,... itew jdy ktua level taw~ haha,,mcm lawak kn? just imagine,.. hee~ tpy,serius ckp,,bkn sonang,.. mcm2 da,.. hehe,.. kdg2,,bla jdy ktua,,ktew kna trima hakikat yg,, pasti akan ada owg yg xsyuke ktew,.. yew laa,,ne x nyew,,ktew msty wt kje ktew,,kn? then,,kje ktew pla msty based on rules,.. harus di egt,,bkn cmua owg nk ikowt rules,.. even some said.. "PERATURAN MEMEY DIBUAT UTK DILANGGAR".. hehe,.. biar tol,.. agak2 laa an,.. hehe,.
ha,,ary 2 an,..itew pky laa bju raya g class,.. cmua lecturer puji bju,.. hehe,.. meletoop gitu! da mcm model da itew ary 2,.. kjap2,,da jew yg ckp,..pusing jp,, pusing jp,.. hehe,.. so,,credits to my mama & cik ros 4 da lovely outfits,.. u guys was totally awesome!
btw,,ary niy da last day utk attending class,.. sriusly,, memey byk class di cancel kn,,hehe,.. maybe sbb da last2 day kn,... just,,,esowk,.. da start utk revision week,... hmm,,but itew da event,.. esowk da bengkel MUET.. lusanye,,da event utk raya,.. itew dgn 49 owg kwn2 yg laen akan handle 6000 satay! OMG,.. byk kn? hehe,.. insya-ALLAH bley,.. sucess2,. hehe...
so,,2 jew la kowt,.. t ctew2 g,..hehe,..k,,bubbye,..peace to da world,..assalammua'laikum,..
Posted by bella at 1:40 PM 0 comments
Saturday, August 20, 2011
kak elia,..
hmm,,,entah knape,,tba2 ase nk tulis ttg kak elia ary niy,,actually,,da lme da,.. juz,,xtertulis,..
seriously,,aq kagum gillerr dgn dia,.. sabar tol owgnyew,...
aq twu ttg kes dia dgn KFCM 2,,juz through papers,..since aq alek mnggu 2,..
mmg tkejowt gillerr aq,.. cmpykn xbley tydo mlm 2,..
2 be frank,,ase cdey gilerrr diaowg jdy cm 2,..but i know,,if aq ase cdey,,she'll be even worst,..
berat mata memandang,,berat lagi bahu memikulnyew,..
tpy,,apakn daya,,, semua yg jadi 2 da hikmahnyew kak,..bwaknlaa bsabar yew,..
coz,,ALLAH xkn uji seseowg hambanya 2,,melebihi drpd kmampuan seseowg 2,..
actually,,slalu gk aq bca blog kak elia,.. seriously,,nice blogging!
best jew bla bca,.. tpy,,nk komen,,xbrani,.. hehehe,..
so,,juz bca jew,.. insya-ALLAH,,semoga akak twos kuatkn cmgt & jalani edop akak dgn tabah,..
mcm akak kata,,girls power! insy-ALLAH,.. i will as strong as da powerpuff girl,..!
Posted by bella at 7:29 AM 0 comments
eh,,seposen laa,..!
assalammua'laikum,.. ha,,niy da story ttg air masak at dewan mkn at uitm niy,.. bkn niat nk memburukkn,,juz nk share,.. evrything that we want,,u got 2 pay it off!
hmm,,ksahnyew mcm niy,.. thought of nk beli air,,, but then,,tba2,,..rmy owg,,,i decided utk amek air masak jew laa,. da amek cmua 2,,egt nk byar jga,,last2 abg kt kaunter 2 kata,,xpewlaa dik,.. free jew,.. ha,,tersenyum seketika kt ctu,, and ckp dlm aty,,nice la,,bg free,.. hehe,..
then,,,tba2,,otw nk ptah alek g tmpt dduk 2,,, da 1 kakak niy,,dia ckp2,,eh2,,kna byr laa dik,.. then,,dgn mka yg agak hairan,,tnyew kna byar? bpew kak?
ahah! mcm pew jew an? lawak giller!!!!!! hehe,..
then,,dia ckp kt abg 2,,ko mmg xcaj kew if amek air masak?
abg 2 kata,,yupz,,xcaj,..
akak 2 kata alek,,knapew xcaj? t rugi laa,..
abg 2 kata,,alaa,..air masak jew pown,..
akak 2 kata,,,ttap air jga,.. so kna caj wlaupown cmne,..
mlaz nk drg,,so,,i just alek tmpat dduk i,..
thought of that incident,,sometimes give me a reason,..lawak2,.. i don't mind at paying the 10sen,,its juz that,,bgtwu awal2... 2 jew,.. coa,,if we notice,,if kt kdai mkn ne2 pown,,people still will be charged eventhough u're only ordering a glass of water... ryte?
so,,thats it,..later on,,if got stories,,definitely i will post it here,..
selamat berpuasa semua,...
Posted by bella at 7:21 AM 0 comments
Sunday, August 7, 2011
salam ramadhan...!
fuhyoooo,.. lme an x update blog niy,.. to bro hafiz,.. sory yew,.. btw,,today,..insya-ALLAH,.. i am updating it,..okay,.. life in uni,,,alhamdulillah,.. quite k,.. juz,,bz cket dgn assignments,,,tests,,quiz,.. and mcm2 activity,..there's also upside down here and there...but still,,,we should go on with our life ryte,..
1st ramadhan,..
okay,,uni bg 1 day cuty utk first ramadhan,.. actually,,time first2 2,,egtkn xnk alek,.. ceh,,cm strong jew kn nk stay kat cni,.. hehehe,..tpy,,last2 alek jga, hehe,.. cm lawak jew,.. but..seriously,,mmg lawak pown,...
kisahnyew begini,...
ary jumaat 2,,mlmnyew,.. g umah sedara,.. then,,pg sabtu 2,,g melaka sentral,,beli tiket and alek kedah,..
alek ke cni pla,,mlm isnin 2,,which means cmpy cni selasa pg,.. thanx God laa,,lecturer cancel kn klas pg 2,,klo x,..jwbnyew masaklaa aq,.. hahahaha,... but still,,da class pkul 10 pg,.. but,,quite k laa kn,.. aq cmpy kt MC (melaka sentral) pkul 8,.. dlm pkul 8 lbey cmpy kolej,.. da laa jga tyme utk rest an,... hehehe,...
throughout this first week of ramadhan,.. mcm2 yg jady... & 2 b honest,,xtwu nk start dari ane,.. yg pastynyew,,,byk pengalaman bwu,...
sahur,,,puasa,,bbuka di RANTAU ORANG!
huhuhu,..first tyme taw,.. but,,xpewlaa,.. blaja,.. insya-ALLAH,.. ada hikmahnyew,..
cmne keadaan sekalipon,,still kna biasakn diri jga,.. huhuhu,..
hmm,,nk ctew ttg apew g ek??.. ahah! ttg IPG,.. a.k.a. maktab,.. aq dipanggil utk 2,.. lapor diri 8/8/11 niy,..
twu dpt kt ne? ganu ktew!!! huhu,.. jauh bebenor,.. klo dokat2 jo,,da la jga eden niy perginyo,.. niy,,ganu,.. owh,,cannot go,.. hehehe,.. but,,actually,..syg jgala,.. since wlaupown IPG,.. but,,i will learn at IPTS,.. cmne nk ctew ek,.. ha,,dia still under IPG,.. cmuanyew cm IPG,.cme blaja jew bkn kt IPG,.. tpy,,kt IPTS,.. sound fishy ryte??.. but,,thats the fact,.. bkn sonang bk dpt blaja kt international pnyew university college,..
stakat niy,,, 2 jew laa kowt,.. actually,,da byk g,.. tpy,,t2 ktew story yew,.. hehehe,...
bro hafiz,,sory,.. niy jew yg sis mampu update bwat msa niy,..
Posted by bella at 12:52 PM 0 comments
Saturday, June 25, 2011
assalammualaikum,.. ya ALLAH,.. da lama sesangat xtulis kt cni,.. rindu2,.. tQ utk yg sentiasa visit my blog, sory coz x dpt update seaktif dlu,.. life kt university mmg laen seh,..! i am trying my best 2 cope up with the situation,.. to be honest,,,its is definitely hard since i've never stayed far from my family,... but,,as i said just now,,trying to cope with the air,.. trying to do all things by myself,... huhuhu,..
alright,,lets talk about the campus life,.. alhamdulillah,,quite k,.. my class usually ends up untill evening,.. what a day!! but,,its qute fun,.. do love it so much,..!! assignments??.... ya ALLAH,,mmg byk,.. kdg2 xsmpat,.. tpy,,da gak yg sempat,.. hehehe,..
being here,,there's a lot of things that i've learned,.. being here giving me a lot,,a lot,,a lot of new lessons and experience,.. being in a "true world" is not easy as u ever thought of it,... so,,really2 need to prepare urself well b4 u entering the "true world"..
hmm,,its quite sometime too since i've last watching the football's game,... ya ALLAH,.. how i miss that moments so much,.. well,,i've heard da news,.. so,, congrats MALAYSIAN PLAYERS!!! thumbs up 4 u guyz,.. keep it up,.. jgn mudah mbangga diri,,.and,,jgn mudah terleka,.. there's still a long way to go,.. insya-ALLAH,.. we'll make it well,..
ttg hiburan pla,..alamak,.. mmg da xtwu apew2,.. ahahahha,.. ctew2 kt tv pown,,da xtertengok.. hehehe,... xsmpat seh,.. hehe... tpy,yg twu an.. em,, sepah jady juara maharaja lawak,.. then,,diikuti dgn jozan and nabil,.. haa,,tol x?? terer an?? hehe,.. congrats! but,,jambu pown actually gempak jga,.. best3,.! tahniah utk semua,...
hmm,,,,mnggu niy an,,xdpt alek coz da induction... hope2,,cmuanyew k,.. next week,,,da koir,.. xtwu bley alek kew x,.. the other week,, da school projects,, omak aii,.. huhuhu,.. rndu kt mama,,abah,, & adik,..! rindu sesangat.... xtypu taw,... hehe,.. okayla,.. da pnjg sesangat niy,.. t2,,i'll update g k??
peace to da world,.. assalammualaikum,..
Posted by bella at 11:29 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
okay,.. its in MELAKA,..
assalammualaikum,.... emm,,,da lame x update blog niy,...rindu cgt2 nk update,.. hehehe,.. tpy,,xsmpat laa~ bz cgt2,... xterkata wo,..ahahaha,..
okay,, ary sabtu mnggu dpan,..insya-ALLAH,.. bella akan mendaftar di uitm melaka,.. :-)
alhamdulillah,.. harap2 cmuanya k,.. entah knape,... kdg2 ase cm xnk pergi,.. mybe coz dpt u yg lokasi nya agak jauh,.. xtwula cmne nk hadapi cmua 2,...
ya ALLAH,..kuatkan semangat hamba-MU ini,... sesungguhnya hamba-MU ini xkuat,........
honest ckp,.. ryte now,,mmg bz cgt2,.. sabtu niy da event kt umah,.. semoga segalanya berjalan dengan lancar,.. amin2,..ya rabbal alamin,..
tba2,.. ase nervous pla,... ahahaha,.........
insya-ALLAH,..cmuanya akan k2,.. saja,..
byk bnda nk kena setel kn niy,.. so stop kt cni dlu laa yew,..
nyte malaysia,..
peace to da world,..
take care,..
Posted by bella at 11:56 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
no comment,..!!
hmm,,kebelakangan niy,.. da jew yg xkena,.. uish,,cmuanyew bpunca dari fb,.. huhuhu,... tol kew,,fb 2 mmg mendatangkn byk masalah? hmm,,bg aq la kn,.. kekadang yew,..kekadang x,.. hehhehe,..
actualy an,..hmm,,entahlaa,..
tlalu byk rahsia yg aq pegang this last few days,.. hmm,,nk share dkt fb xbley,,kt blog pown,,xtwula nk kata, crious ckp,,byk cgt da niy,,ponat eden,,ahaha,..lawak2 jaa,... xtwula nk wt cmne,...xtwu nk ctew kt cpew & kt mane,..
" dimana,,,dimana,.. dimana ku harus mencari,,cinta yg sejati,,yg mampu tuk sirami,,hati ini,,hngga sejuk terasa, batin ini,.. ooooo,..."
ahaha,... nyanyi2,,lalala~
kekadang,,bla fkir alek,,tol ckp dia,.. xpyh nk ber 'fb' cgtlaa,.. t makan aty sendiri wt pew,.. hehehe,.. mkn aty taw,,! bkn mkn ayam KFC kew @ MC Donald kew??..ahahaha..
2 la an,.. bla fkir pew dia kata,,daa ase cm nk delete jew acc fb 2,... tpy an,.. rmy gk yg kata xpyh,.. juz b urself jew,.. lantaklaa pew owg nk kata,.. dl edop,,ktew bknnyew bley ckp owg cgt,.. kdg2,,da yg xtol gk..hehe,..
yg 2,,aq mmg twu & aq ckup2 sedar,.. tpy,2 laa,.. if xikowt ckp owg,,nk ikowt ckp sapa?? hee~
conclusionnyew,... bley ikowt,,tpy,,berpada2 laa,.. dlm erti kata laen,,agak2 laaa,.! hehe,..
tol x?...
serious ckplaa,... fb 2 aq wt sekadar nk maen2 jew,.. xserius ane pown,.. kre besa2 jew.. hee~
tngok nama aq pown da twu,,aq mmg nk men2 jew,..
juz,,kdg2,.. pew yg aq wt 2,,,bla xdhargai,,aq ase penat cgt2,, & ase malaz gillerr nk wt,..
bknla berkira @ pew,.. tpy,,entahlaa,..
da yg k,,da jga yg xk,.
hehe, msty xfham an tgh ckp ttg cpew? hee~ adala,biarlah rahsia,..ahahahaha,...
xla,.. gurau2 jew,.. insya-ALLAH,..t2,,da tyme,,itew story k?
juz,,4 now,,let's it remain as secret,.. coz,it is a little private story,.... :-)
its involved people's pride,...
tiada sehari yg berlalu,..
tanpa ku mengingatimu,..
rindu pada kamu,..
selalu mendambakan kasih & sayangmu,...
tiada kata yg dpt ku gambarkan,..
perasaan yang ku alami,...
cintaku ini,,,
tiada berbelah bagi,...
cinta yg suci & abadi,..
semalam aq bermimpi....
didalam hujan ku berlari,..
mencari,.. memanggil2 namamu,..
namamu yg sempurna,...
ya ALLAH,... nyanyi suda,..! hee~
sorry yeh tawan2,, eden songajo jaa,.. ahahaha,.
xtwula,.. lgu 2 best laa bg eden~ hehehe,...
okayla yo,,stop dlu,...
t da pew2,,itew story-morey k,..
hee~ tc,.. assalammualaikum,... :-)
Posted by bella at 4:53 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
alhamdulillah,... :-)
okay,.... first of all,,,,nk say sorry gilerr2 coz da lame x update blog,.... been a quite busy lately,.... emm,,,, to make it short,.... 23 hb ary 2,,da mjlis anugerah cemerlang,... alhamdulillah,.......okay2 jew,...... ase cm terharu pown da actually,.... hehehe,...
so,,niy da picca2 yg bley itew share kt cni,... em,,,actually,,byk g kt fb,... but,,niy adala sbahagian drpd nyew,... hehe,,... usha2 la yeh,... hehe,...
cmt mengusha,.!!!
hee~~ cmpt g posing b4 naek pntas,...ahahaha,.. |
so,... enough dlu yeh,... t2 itew smbung k,... 1 more good news,,,emm,,, msalah itew dgn dia da sttle,....
hee~~ alhamdulillah,... :-)
sesungguhnya hamba-MU ini bsyukur di ats cmua rezeki,,nikmat & kebahagiaan yg telah ENGKAU kurniakn,......
alhamdulillah,,syukur nikmat,.....kpd tuhan yg memberi rahmat,... :-)
Posted by bella at 12:05 AM 0 comments
Thursday, April 21, 2011
interview di ipg,....
okay,..pagi niy g interview kt ipg sultan abdul halim shah,.... actually,,,xtwu nk ckp pew coz its happen so fast i guess,... emm,,btolak keluar dari rumah adala dlm pkul 6.30 pg cm 2,.. hahaha,... awal kn??.... haruslah awal coz nk anta adk g skool ag,... hehe,...
okay,... tkowt lmbt pnyew pasal,... cmpykn breakfast pown juz dlm kete taw,.. ahaha,... dsyt x dsyt an,... hehe,.. then,.. da journey was continued,... hehehe,...
emm,,cmpy2 kt ctu,... adala dlm 7.30 lbey,... dkat2 pkul 8 jga laa,.... hehe,.. panik gak masa 2 coz sepatutnyew calon kna hadir setengah jam awal dari masa temuduga yg telah ditetapkn,... means,,dlm 7.30 sepatutnyew dh da cne,.. kuang3,... hehehe,...
so,... alhamdulillah,... perjalanan daku bergerak lancar,... cmpy2 jew,..twos naek & cari bilik temuduga,... alhamdulillah,... walaupown da clap jga,.. tpy,,,da yg membantu,.. hehe,... nasib baek,.. em,... bla da jmpew bilik yg dijumpai,,apew g,, aq pown twoslaa nk masuk,... diaowg da nk start ujian insak dh,.. ujian insak 2 mengambil masa 30 minit,... katanya,,ujian insak niy btujuan utk menilai sahsiah seseowg individu 2,,sama da layak @ x utk mnjdy guru,...
okay,...paz 2,... da group discussion interview,.. kre nyew,... cm ktew dduk dlm 1 bulatan & ckp mengenai 1 topik,... diaowg bg 1 topik,,& ktew discuss kn laa,.... tyme niy,,,,daku dpt topic mengenai teacher,... teacher that u admire & tell ur experience @ anything about her,... haha,...couldn't remember it well,... but,,some sort of that laa,....
luckily,,my batch,..there's only 8 person of us,.. its a quite comfortable discussion sessions,... hehehe,.. alhamdulillah,....
after that,.. we've been told to wait outside & wait untill they called us,.. to b honest,,,being at the outside, was okay,.. but,,when its getting near to ur turn,,,, the panic & worries will start to overcome urself,... i do felt it too,...
upon my turn,,,i get into the room slowly but steady,.. hehehe,... try to cover up my worries...huhuhu,..alhamdulillah,.. i did it okay,,i guess,... hehehe,...
all frenz here,... do pray 4 my success,.. :-)
Posted by bella at 12:00 AM 0 comments
Monday, April 18, 2011
emm,,,aq bwu egt nk turn off mogok kt fb,.. bka2 jp jew,.. dh da benda yg menyakitkan aty,.. urghh,.. geram3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
eee,......... xtwula nk kate pew,....
please la k,.. xpyhla nk mengada2 cgt,... penatlaa nk sbar dgn perangai mnusia niy,,,, weyh,,,fb 2 fb gk laa,.. fb niy bkn tmpat nk myakitkan aty owg,.. so,,,stop2 r sakitkn aty owg,.. aq xkco pown kn??. so,,dh2 r,.. xpyh nk menyibuk dlm hidup aq,..kan sekali aq remove as frenz & block bwu twu,.. ckp 2 agak2 laa,... xpyhla nk over cgt,.. uishh,,,, xfham aq,.. mmg laa x elowk nk kutuk2 owh niy,,,,tpy,..... aq dh xlrat nk sabar,...jgn cmpy aq mention nama ko besar2 kt wall aq,....
selama diam,.... aq xnk ckp pew2,. tpy,,2 x bmakna aq stuju jew,.... mengalah bkn beerti kalah,.. so,..klo nk twu,,aq xtkowtla dgn ko,.. juz,.. dlm edop niy,,jgala prangai cket,.. especially mulut 2 hoi,.... jgnla ikowt sedap aty jew,... aq diam selama niy bkn beerti ko bley wt ikowt syuke aty ko ja,. faham x??!!!!!!!
lpas satu,,satu laa,.. ada jew yg xkena,..... bla laa cmua niy nk habis,... bley x aq delete jew fb niy,.. meluat dh laa,... aq bkn ksah cgt,... aq k..asalkn edop aq xdew msalah,. byk g bnda yg perlu aq fkir dlm edop aq selain benda2 cm niy,....
dhla,.. enough,... xnk tulis pasal manusia g,... stop2 jap,... dhla 2 eh,................. sakit aty aq da agk kurang,..hahahaha,... kre k laa 2 kn,... em,.... okay,.. papai,.. assalammualaikum,...
Posted by bella at 2:58 PM 0 comments
Sunday, April 17, 2011
ke-busy-an melanda!!!!!!!! hahaha,...
okay,...since wt mogok nk on fb,... dgn blog2 ckaly x update,.. ahaha... apa daa,.. hehe,.
emm..... okay,...........
entry ary niy about ke-busy-an,.... hehe,.. tpy,,,tol,.. mmg agak bz lately,.. nk twu bz apew???......... haha,........ bz coz da interview,....... cmlm,,,da interview kt uitm merbok utk asasi tesl,.. owg nyew,... kre bley than gk laaa rmy,........ hehehe,.... mcm2 jnis owg ada,.. fuyoo2,.. hehe,.......
tapi kn,... da ase cm xpuas aty cket laa,... ase cm nk wt balik jew interview 2,.... pelik kn??...entahla,.. tpy,,2 la aq,... susah cgt2 nk puas aty,... msty da jew yg aq xpuas aty,.. haha,...
tpy,,,serius,... ase xpuas aty tol,... cm aq xwt sehabis baik,. @ sonang ctew,,all out laa,.. hehehe,...
jadi,......... nk interview pnyew psal,...... knala cari mcm2 info,.& cmpy xsmpt nk on9,....... kekadang 2,...... rndu kt fb,...............hahhahahaha,............
tpy,kn,........ bla bz cm niy,,,bgos gk coz,,, xegt cgt ttg fb 2,...... kadang2 myakitkan aty jew,..huhuhu,...
okay,....... back to topic,..... insya-ALLAH,..ary rabu niy,.. da interview utk maktab pla,,.. wish me all da best la yew,... doaknla smoga segalanya bjlan dgn lancar,...
ya ALLAH,.permudahkan urusan hamba-MU ini,....
so,.. mybe akn menghilang seketika coz cari info about interview maktab,... hopefully cmua nyew k,.. amin,.........
cmua owg da masalah sendiri kn??.... bezanyew,.... kecik @ besar kn??...
well,... ckp ttg masalah,.. ase2 nyew,... masalah aq apew cer eh??.... hahaha,.. btuah pnyew budak,!!! bley tnyew cm 2 plak,.. adoyai,...
okay,,actuallly,... aq pown xtwu nk wt pew,.... & aq xwt pew2 pown utk solve kn,.... haha,... pndy kn???...
entahlaa,......... biar jew la,.... t lame2,,,sttle laaa 2,........ haha,... bla pikir2 alek,...da kew msalah yg sttle sndiri??... setwu aq,,,mmg xdew,..
aq da mlaz laa nk jga aty owg,........ last2,.... aty qa gk yg sakit,........ kcian kt dia,........ hehehe,.....
tpy,......... aq twu,......... di sebalik cmua niy,.... da hikmah yg ckup besar sdg mnati aq,.....
ALLAH x akn menguji seseowg 2 lbey dari kmampuannyew,.
aq pcaya cmua 2,... aq pcaya pd takdir ALLAH,..
apew yg aq mampu buat,,adalah bsbar & terima cmua niy dgn redha,....
arap2,......... aq ckup kuat utk cmua niy,.......
so,... next topic please,.... haha,...
cmlm kn,.. paz alek dari interview,..... aq cm down cgt,.. so,... my parents took me to jusco,.... g jlan2,... beli2 baju,.... & makan tyme!!!!!!!!! ahaha,.
since my favourite are always da food that in claypot,........ so,.. pew g order yg 2 la,........
1 family mkn mknn yg dimasak dlm claypot,... hahaha,....... da pic,... t upload eh,... ahaha,.. insya-ALLAH,....... alek2 2,...mmg epy gilleerrrr,.. sonang aja tydo,... hahaha,.... alhamdulillah,...........
uishhh,,,,kali niy,,, agak pnjang kn??.. actually,,.. da pnjg ag,... niy pown da pendekkan!! hahaha,... xdewla,.. xtwu npew,. bykla pla aq nk tulis,.... mybe coz da lama aq pndam cmua niy,... sakit aty,,,keciwaa,... ahaha,.... keciwaa kew???......... hehehe,...... not bad laa,..... hehe,...... dhla,.... xnk fkir2 ag ttg dia,.. anda ada misi yg harus dilaksnakan,...chewah!!!!! misi taw,... ehehe,........ em,,,,yewla2,... kte kna fokus,.. hehehe,... wokey2,.......
haa, tdy,... aq da on9 jp,... selepas hmpir seminggu gk laa xon9,.. notifications nyew,.. omak aii,.. byk bebenor,.... hahaha,... dkat 2 jam gk nk tgk cmuanyew,...uhuhu,.... tpy,,,,still aq tgk cmuanyew,... coz,,aq xnk miss 1 pown yg mungkin owg anta utk aq,... tgk jew,... blas 2 ikowt mood laa,... hahaha,... btuah an??.... ehehehe,.... em,... wlaupown cm 2,... aq puas aty coz,... rndu cgt2 kt fb,... now,... da k daa,... hehehe,.....
alryte,... enough la 2,.. t ponat pla nk baca an,... ehehe,... pray da best 4 me yaa, tawan2,... hee~
thanx!! tc everyone,... peace to da world,. assalammualaikum,.. :-)
Posted by bella at 10:23 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
cedey nyew,.. huhu,..
uish,.. lately ada rasa cm mlaz jew nk on9 fb 2,.. to b honest laa,..paz spm niy,..fb la yg mnjady favourite aq utk release tension,.. ase best bla dpt on9 & kdg2 ase cm xbest jew bla xbley on9,..
tpy,,kebelakangan niy,.. entahla,. snang jew mood nk bngang bla on9,.. kdg2, offline jew chat 2,.. hahaha,.. kemalasan!!!!! hehe,..
cm2 da jdy,..cm2 msalah tmbul bcoz of fb... so,,mybe akn stop kejap,..mybe akn on9 bla aq rndu,.. @ mybe on9 wktu owg tydo!!! hehe,.. btuah kn!!!
aq juz mlaz laa,.. serabot otak aq,.. aq da fed up!!
i wt fb niy..juz to have fun,.. tgk nama laa,. beb,.. haha,.. klo bley,,aq xnkla da rmy owg bley trace aq,.. especially,,owg2 yg aq agk2 xbpew syuke,.. hehehe,.. tpy,,da yg twu jga,.. haihh,,cekap sungguh la,. hehe,..
blog niy,,aq wujudkn ats pemintaan seseowg,,xtwu if dia sdg membaca @ x... tpy,,4 sure laa,.. blog niy,,mybe xkn dipadam,. hey,,its my diary,.. 4 sure laa xkn pdam,. hehe,..
cmua yg aq ase,,aq tlis kt cni,..
tpy,,still da 1 bnda yg aq xpnh share,. xcmpy aty nk share,.. tkowt2 t da pla yg trasa,.. of course..its my blog,,so syuke aty aq laa,,nk tlis pew kn,.. tpy,..xnklaa cmpy mrndatangkn ketidaksenangan owg laen,.. huhuhu,..
okay2,.. enough2,.. stop dlu eh.. hehe,.. papai,.. assalamualaikum,,
Posted by bella at 1:39 PM 2 comments
Monday, April 11, 2011
ya ALLAH,.. kuatkan semangat hamba-MU ini,..
entahlaa knapew,,,lately ada jew yg xkna,.. something had happen,, & asyk berulang jew,.. huhu,,y laa cm niy,.. aq da mla rimas,.. bosan,..
knyataan & kebenaran smemangnya pahit & sukar diterima,.. namun,,walau mcm mane skalypown pahitnya kebenaran 2,,nk xnk kena telan jga,. aq slalu egtkn diri aq,,spaya kuat cmgt & kawal kesedihan aty 2,.. jgn tnjuk yg ko sdih,.. tpy,,pew yg jdy dlm mnggu niy,,mmg aq da xbley nk bndung @ dlm kata len,,control!!
dlm edup..ktew kna brani terima knyataan!!! acapkali aq ckp bnda 2 pd diri sndiri,,tpy,,its juz like not coming in my mind at all!!!!!!! urghhhhhhhhhhhhh,... geram2,...
kebenaran yg slama niy tsembunyi & tertutup rapat,,kini,,bkn rahsia lagi,..hmm,,perasaan aq bcampur baur,.. xtwu nk describe,.. at da first side,,aq ase lega coz the truth had revealed,.. finally,..
tpy,,in da other side,. aq ase cdey la pla,..
haishh,,apew da jdy niy,.
ya ALLAH,..kuatkn smgt & tabahkanla ati hamba-MU ini dalam menempuhi dugaan yg telah engkau caturkan utk ku,...amin,..
Posted by bella at 11:07 PM 2 comments
Friday, April 8, 2011
opps,..da lame x update kt blog,, to be honest,,mmg rndu cgt2 nk tulis kt cni,.. tpy,,2 laa,... x ter update.. huhuhu,..
byk bnda nk share,.. tpy,,yg paling latest ckaly niy laa,..
meluat,..!!!!! 2 laa status aq kt fb ary niy,.. ntah knape,,aq tlis cm 2,.. mybe coz,, aq bengang dgn someone niy,..uish,,melampau sungguh,.. bely wt xtwu jew kt aq,.. dhla xpdn dgn sakit pla 2,.. ish3,.. xtwula nk jdy pew,.. blagak gileerrr skrg,..
ALLAH da turunkan dugaan,,tpy,,xsedar ag,.. ckp cm bgos jew,.. huhuhu,..
maaf laa,..bkn niat nk kutuk mamat yg sombong niy,.. tpy,,aq da xbley nk sabar da,.. enough is enough laa,. aq da pnat da nk sbar & ikowt prangai mamat niy,..
tol la owg ckp,,blew itew tgh mra,,itew akn tulis apa shj yg da dlm aty,,xnk fkir da pew nk jdy pas 2,.. tpy,,aq xnk cm 2,.. honest ckplaa,,mmg aq bngang cgt3 dgn mamat yg sombong niy,,tpy,,aq try to cool down myself,.. sabar2,.. 2 yg aq slalu egt kn diri aq,..
tpy,,kdg2,.. ase cm pnat laa,.. cgt penat,.. bknla beerti bputus asa,,cma da xnk fkir da,.. biarla dia nk kata pew,.. biarlah dia nk wt pew,..
yg pentingnyew,.. still doakan yg tbaek utk dia,.. pew2 pown,,dia prnh hadir dlm hidup,,mjady tman yg rapat,..we say hahaha together,. cm2 g laa,..
now,,tba2 dia jdy cm 2,.. wt xtwu jew,..ntah knapa,.. klo mra,,mra sbb pew,..
hisy,,cbala bgtwu,.. niy x,,senyap jew,.. wt perangai,.. ntah apew2,.. huhu,.
cm budak2 laa,..
k2,.. next topic please,.. hahaha,..
bln niy,,ase 2 cm agk bz cket laa,.. coz,,dln bulan april..xslap niy kowt first tyme post kt cni,..ayoyo,.. heheheh,.. other than that,,everything had going as usual,..
guyz,,kowg ase kn,,xpew kew klo ktew nk wt xtwu kt owg 2 dlm cara yg paling terhormat??.. klo da pew,,cm ne nk wt kn??.. hahaha,..
emm,,da ag story,,tpy,,ase cm xcmpy aty la pla nk story,.. t2 la cte eh,,hehe,.. da pnjg cgt da niy,.. hehehe,.. okay,,papai,,assalammualaikum..
Posted by bella at 2:15 PM 4 comments
Thursday, March 31, 2011
1 whole day
assalammualaikum,.. hyepz,.. opps,,cmlm xsmpt nk update pew2,.. mmg xsmpt gileerrr,. but don't worry,. nk story da niy,.. hehehe,..
k,,cmlm,..dgn rasminyew aq da dpt lesen P,.. hehehe,.. alhamdulillah,.. yg pling tharunyew,.. bla abah aq kata,.. "kak,,ko dh da lesen,..sat ja noh",.. em,,,actually aq fham pew mksud abah 2,.. so,. nk twu aq jwb apew,..?? ha,,aq ckpla,.. " 2 la kn,. sat jew,.. niy la yg owg kata proses pmbesaran & kematangan,.. haha,.." pastu,,abah aq pown gelak ckaly,..hahaha,..
then,. itew owg g cari moto,.. haha,.. tpy,,xtwula,.. didn't decide anything yet,.. juz cari2 dlu yg ne bkenan di aty & of course la,..bkenan dgn harganya kn??.. hehehe,..
crious ckp, xprnh g la g msuk kedai2 moto utk search2 mcm 2,.. first tyme!!!! tpy..k la kn,.. pngalaman,.. hehehe,..
after that,..niy kre sblah malam la pla,.. aq tlg adk aq dgn perbahasan dia,.. nk lawan ary niy pla 2,.. ha,,.all da best la 2 my dear bro,.. wt leklowk,..ilex2 jew,.. ahahaha,..
to frenz,.. nk say sorry if aq xda comment pew2 kt kowg nye blog,.. bkn xnk,.. tpy,,aq xrty la,. ceh!! wat mlu jew kn,.. blog aq,,aq twula nk post comment,.. tpy,,kt blog owg aq xtwu,.. crius,.. niy xtypu,..huhuhu,.. in betol2,bkn cobaan,.. haha,..
sory cgt yew,..
so,.. 2 jew la yg bley aq share kn utk cmlm,.. hehe,,, thanx 4 reading,.. :-)
Posted by bella at 8:40 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
hehehe,.. aq xegt la bla,.. tpy,,yg aq egt yg bnda niy happen tyme hari coco skool,.. hehe,.. tyme 2,,aq msuk as PBSM,.. lawan dlm ptandingan mengikat tali anduh,.. tell u guyz what,,itew champion taw!!!!!!! hahaha,.tpy,,besela msuk ptandingan cm 2,,kna da partner,..
nsib baekla,,kpala dia k,..nk gk mlayan prangai aq yg gila2 niy kn,.. haha,.. thanx 2 my frenz,.. tbaek laa,.. hahaha,..
know something,.. YUS & JON RAJA LAWAK niy mmg happening gylewr,..!!!!!!
best taw blew diaowg dtg,..hahaha,..
aq,,xprnh jmpew diaowg live,.. tpy,,bla myembang 2,..diaoawg k jew,.. mcm da knal btahun2 pla,..hehe,..
mmg best,.. xprnh expect la nk jmpe diaowg,..hahaha,..
mmg shempoi laa,.. hehe,..
so,..niy da la cket2 pic tyme diaowg kt skool 2,.. do take a look ya,..hehehe,..
Posted by bella at 8:50 AM 0 comments
susah kew??..
em,,,mcari yg sesuai xsemudah yg disangkakn,.. 2 status aq kt fb tdy,.. entah knape,,tba2 aq trasa nk tlis cm 2,. bknla bmaksud aq ptus asa @ pnat,,tpy,,aq,.hurm,,ntahla,.. xtwu nk describe cm ne,..
idop niy,,da upside down kn,. leleaki2,..knapew la slalu dtg & pergi cm 2 jew,.. igt niy cnta touch & go kew,.. cintaku bukn jenis pakai buang,,biarla lbey dari shari,.. haha,..nyanyi suda,.. alamak,.. tlebey suda!!haha,..
dh2,. enough,.. xnk story about da sad things,.. xpewla,..biarkn jew msalah 2.. t dia sttla sndiri,. haha,..hope2 cm 2 la,.. amin,..
mlaz nk pkir byk2,..serabot!!!!!!!!
Posted by bella at 12:55 AM 4 comments
Monday, March 28, 2011
alhamdulillah,.. hehehe,.. :-)
~ 28/03/2011 ~
alhamdulilllah,.. dlm bulan 3 niy,,byk kjayaan yg aq perolehi,.. epy cgt2,, emm,,,lulus test moto,,then dpt resuts SPM seterusnyew lulus test kete,.. ya ALLAH,.. sesungguhnyew, bsyukur cgt2 ats cmua niy,..
so,..really wanna say thanx 2 my parent,,teachers & friends,.. & not 4get 2 everyone who always pray 4 me,.. thanx a lot,.. alhamdulillah,..
i am glad that i can put a smile in my loved one's face,.. hehe,..feel so relieved about it,.. thanx ya ALLAH,..
yg plg best nyew, abah ckp kjayaan spnjg thun..hehe,.. xkshla cmua 2,..yg pntgnyew, dpt mggembirakan diaowg yg slama niy da byk bkorban utk aq,.
so,.to EVERYONE,.. please,,,do pray 4 my future success ya,.. hope i will get a great university,,wth a great coarse & great success soon..amin,..may i can make my dreams come true,..amin,,amin2,..ya rabbal alamin,..
Posted by bella at 12:27 AM 3 comments
Saturday, March 26, 2011
result SPM
alhamdulillah,.. SPM's results just come out on 23/03/2011,.. huhuhu,..praise to ALLAH,. coz i do get a quite excellent results,.. its totally unexpected,. hehe,..
i am was so so so relieved!! coz i can put smile on my loved one's faces,.. hehe,..its quite an extraordinary feeling,..what a satissfaction!!,.. i am truly glad,..
all my hardworks is not a vain but it pays a lot..! which is,,making me feel satisfied,..but,,i do know that all of this wouldn't happpen if its not bcoz of my parent blessing & also da prayer of my parent,,teachers & not forget friends too,.. & of coarse,.my foster bro & sis,.. hehe,.
tell u guyz something...ALLAH blessing lies in our parents blessing,.. so dear friends,.. never,,never,,never,.go against ur parents k??.. huhuhu,.. a reminder to myself too actually,..
really feels relieved,..wanna say thanx a lot to all, everyone who do pray 4 me,.. now,..please,.. do pray that i can a great place in university with da ryte coarse,.. :-) thanx!!,..
Posted by bella at 12:00 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
nervous yo!!...
hmm,,ntah knape tba2 aq ase nervous pla,.. mybe coz ecowk results SPM akan kluar,.. ya ALLAH,.. berikanla hamba-MU ini kputusan yg cemerlang,..smoga aq dpt menggembirakan aty family aq ya ALLAH,.
cmlm,,bsday aq,.. thanx cgt utk yg wish,. tpy,,di setiap wish 2,..msty da yg pesan,.. t dpt result,,bgtwu,.. huhuhu,..mmg tkowt gylewr,..criously,..arap cmuanya akan bjalan dgn lancarla,.. amin,..
apew2 pown, kna fkir positif,.. aq da try yg tbaek,,.its tyme to tawakkal kpd ALLAH,..
ya ALLAH,.. berikanla hamba-MU ini kputusan yg cemerlang,..dgn 2,..membolehkan aq mlanjutkan pelajaran aq ke tmpt yg lbey tnggi,..amin,..
Posted by bella at 5:59 PM 1 comments
Monday, March 21, 2011
its my birthday,..
hehe,..alhamdulillah,.. i am now 18,.. first of all,,wanna appreciate my life coz ALLAH had gave me a chance to survive well untill today,.. thanx you ALLAH,..thanx also to my parents coz had raised me up untill now,.. u guyz was totally amazing parents in da world,.. love u guyz damned much,..hehe,..
soryy,,its been not updated 4 quite some tyme,.. its totally busy these few days,.. huhuhu,..
tell u guyz what,..this wed's i am gonna took my SPM results,.. YA ALLAH,.. please give me strength & guide me,..hope that i can get da flying colours so that i can put a smile on da people i love,.
:-) amin ya rabbal alamin,.
so,,dear friend,.. do pray 4 me ya,..
hehe,.. to b honest,..i am happy today,.. thanx to da people who wish 4 my besday today,.. hehe,.. u guyz r simply da best,.. love u guyszz,... hehe,..
on my bithday,..i do really hope da love cycle that exist in my life will stay 4 eva,..& also da relationship that had we share,.. it was awesome,.. hope we all wouldn't lose it,..amin,..
okay,..stop here by now,..otherwise people may get boring coz its being too long,,ryte??.. hehe,..
alryte, to all my frenz,.. & not forget,..peace to da world,..salam,..
Posted by bella at 10:21 AM 4 comments
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
x terlambat lagi kan??..
hehe,..asenyewr its still not too late nk say congratz to da malaysia badminton's heroes..ryte??.. ha,,y heroes??.. coz,,da 3 owg yg btungkus-lumus mahu membawa gelaran juara bagi all england championship,..
koo kien keat-tan boon heong & datuk lee chong wei,..
congratz3,.. really proud,..hehehe,..
to be honest,..mmg frust gylewr blew beregu ktew kalah,..ya,,4 sure i know it is so hard,.. & seeing that them lose was totally the things that i can't bear to see,.. they shouldn't lose that game!!!!!!
xsepatotnyewr,.. seharusnyew team ktew yg mnang,..sehausnyewr lagu negaraku yg diperdengarkn & dinyanyikan di sana,..
tpy,,2 la,..xdew rezeki kn,.. diaowg pown da cbe yg tbaek,.. so,..redha ajew la,..hehe,..nk wt cm ne kn,..
then,,nsib baek la datuk lee chong wei mnang!!!!! mgalahkan lin dan pla,..hehehe,..alhamdulillah,..pnawarla jga bagi beregu yg juz dpt silver medal,,ryte??..hehe,..
but,,anyway,.. kdua2 nyewr,,totally make me proud,,..sekalung tahniah kpd datuk lee chong wei & beregu negara,,koo kien keat-tan boon heong,.. smoga kalian akan twos success,.. & smoga badminton MALAYSIA akn lbey mju!!! yeayy!!!! hehe,..insya-ALLAH,.
Posted by bella at 3:15 PM 0 comments
Sunday, March 13, 2011
hikayat merong mahawangsa
yuhuu,..hehehe,..a big congratz @ a round of applause 4 KRU productions,..crew2,..da actor & actress, da director,,of coarse!! yusry,..& da script writer & all of da people who was invoved in making da film,..
yesterday, family & i went to da cinema,..try to watch da movies that cost 8 million ringgits,..yes..its hikayat merong mahawangsa,..this epic film revolves around many custom & traditions,,yet,,they can unite to overcome problems,..can't tell much here..u guyz got to go & watch it,.. it was superb!!!!! this film had upholding da ancient story or as known as history,..
some people says that,,history movies are boring,..but,,to me, was not,..hikayat merong mahawangsa,..totally great,,coz,,i even can't take my eyes of it,..don't wanna to miss any actions at all,,i guess,.. but,,seriously that was what i felt,..
b4 i went out from da cinema,..there are even spectators that are clapping their hands,..being satisfied i guess,..hehe,..actually,,i do felt da same too,..even my family had da same opinions with me,..hehe,.juz that,,we does not clapping our hands,..hihihi,.
a lot of moral story that we can learn in this film,..such as,,da loyalty to da king,..we have to be united in order to succeed,..cannot being selfish,..helping each other eventhough had a very2 different kingdoms,,traditions,,customs,,& religions,..
so,..does it still happen in our world??.. sorry to say,,but i guess all of da moral story slowly are being vanished in people heart's now,.. huhu,..
its not an accusation, is a fact,.. 4 sure i know its hard to believe,..but,,frenz, believe it coz its true,..juz look at da world now,.. what has happen??..
come on,,don't think so much,..lets talk about what happen to mesir..u guyz notice ryte what happen??..
okay,,back to da topic,..we are out of da topic,,i guess,.. hehe,..
4 sure,,go & watch da film,,..its was totally unique,..not same as another film,..
i am not promoting,..hehe,..since i am not gonna get any royalty 4 it,,hehe,..
but,,go & watch first,..then,,u will know why i told u guyz to go,..
okay??.. but,i am not forcing,.. it is totally up to u guyz,..this is just my suggestions,..
but,..hikayat merong mahawangsa was totally fantastic,.. hehe,.
Posted by bella at 8:13 AM 0 comments
Saturday, March 12, 2011
breakfast with my family,..
hehe,..this morning,,my family & i went 4 breakfast at McD,.. hehe,,,first tyme g breakfast kt cne,,2 yg xcited lbey,..haha,..alamak!! tlebey suda,.. hehe,..
em,,,first2 g,,mak ai!! rmy gylewr,..perhaps coz its saturday's morning,.. cty skool pla kn,.. mmg rmy la eh,..
ktewowg try set family breakfast,..ala yg dlm iklan 2,.hehe,..sodap3,..hehe,..tpy,,nsib baekla xrmy yg tgh beratur 2,.. klo x,,hampeh,,..huhu,..yewla,,xcited nk mknla katakan,.. hehe,..
da dpt our food,..apew ag,,bedal la!!,.. omak ai,..gelojohnyewr,.. hehe,..xla,..itewowg start la mkn,..hehe,..xknla nk tgk ajew kn,..hehe,..abiz mkn,,tyme 4 tking pic!!! haha,..
pkir2 blik,,wt trowk jew ktwowg tke pic kt cne,..tpy,,hey!! this is MALAYSIA la,.. we can do anything what we wanna do as long as x against da law,.. ryte??..
ckaly ckala,,dpt breakfast ckaly kt McD 2,,best gk,.. yewla,..slalunyew cmua bz dgn keje,,skool,,mcm2 ag la,.. so,,mmg really appreciate da moment so much,..thanx 2 my beloved family,.. i luv u guyz so much,..u guyz da best thing had ever happen to me,..
alhamdulillah,..may ALLAH bless all of us,..amin,..
Posted by bella at 12:57 PM 0 comments
Friday, March 11, 2011
earthquake in japan
berita yg menggemparkn!!!!!!!! blakunya gempa bumi di japan dgn 8.9 skala ritcher,.. then,pas 2,.. da blaku pla tsunami stinggi 10 meter,..
ya ALLAH,.. selamatkanla semua rakyat MALAYSIA & umat ISLAM yg berada di cne,.. lindungila mereka cmua,..
tgk kt brita tdy,..ase cemas sgt2,.. niy la dugaan dari ALLAH SWT,.
ada hikmah di sebalik cmua niy,..ktew cmua yg masih aman & sejahtera di MALAYSIA,. hargaila cmua kebebasn & pluang yg ALLAH beri pd kitew,. jgnla ktew alpa,.. niy 1 nasihat kpd diri sendiri jga actually,..
aq xla ckp yg aq perfect,,tpy pew yg blaku sdikit sbanyak memberi ksan yg mndalam pada diri aq coz,..tjadinya tsunami,..igt x tyme 26 dec dlu,,tyme blaku tsunami,..di acheh,.. mayat2 bgelimpangan di cne cni,..
rmy yg mjadi yatim piatu,..khilangan ahli keluarga yg tsayang,..isteri khilangan suami & sebaliknya,..anak2 kehilangan ibu bapa sebaliknya,.. 2 blaku di acheh,.di mana rmy populasinyew rmy owg islam,..sgt2 memilukan,..
kali ini,,ianya blaku di JEPUN,. tmpt di mana matahari terbit,.. tmpt di mana bkembangnyew teknologi dunia yg pesat,.. ktew cmua sedia maklum bahawa JEPUN merupakan negara yg ckup ckup maju,..
frenz,.. perasan x,.. dlm thun niy sje,,mcm2 da jdy di ats muka bumi ini,.. dgn pergolakn blaku di negara yg aq anggap paling aman-MESIR,.. then kt LIBYA,..& seterusnyew byk ag la,..2 cmua ptanda yg diberikn ALLAH,..
so,..amekla pluang utk ktew mgambil sdikit masa utk bmuhasabah diri,..kdg2,,sbagai mnusia,,ktew teralpa, kata TUN DR MAHATHIR,.melayu mudah lpew,..
so,.. cme2 ktew muhasabah diri ktew,.moga2 ktew mndapat manfaat daripada cmua niy,..hope jga spaya ALLAH sntiasa melindungi & melimpahkan rahmat kurnia-NYA ke ats kita,..insya-ALLAH,..amin,..
sooryyy,..if da yg tersa,.. niy juz my sngle opinion,..
Posted by bella at 10:47 PM 0 comments
cnta sejati VS cinta plastik
hehe,.wah2 tjowk,.. em,,actually i am not da ryte one to talk about this specifically sbnarnya,..hehe,..usia pown masih mntah ag,..da byk bnda perlu blajar ag,..ryte??.. ya,,i agree3,.. hehe,..
tpy,,aq twu 1 thing,..yg cmua owg dlm dunia memerlukan cnta,..xksahla cnta kpd siapa @ apew2 pown,..huhuhu,..everyone needs their own love meh,.. hehehe,..
ckp ttg CINTA SEJATI,,aq sndiri xtwu nk tafsirkan,..da only thing that i know is,,not every people can get it,..apatah lagi,,utk kaly kdua,..coz,..chances doesn't knock our door twice,..coz,,biasanya,..peluang xkn dtg buat kali kdua utk ktew,,,blew da dpt pluang,,do appreciate it frenz...
so, those frenz yg myayangi seseowg,..juz spell it out!! cinta bkn hnya bley ditafsirkan dgn kata2,,tpy jga diaplikasikan dgn perbuatan,..ryte now,,,bpew rmy owg yg tnjukkn yg dia syg seseowg 2,..tol x??.. hehe,..
so,,what u,,,what u waiting 4,.. hehe,..da cm lgu mizz nina x??.. hahaha,..
ha,,nk twu something x??.. nk gtawu 1 rahsia niy,,hehe,..ehem2,..sound check,.sound check,..hehe,..rahsia sepasang kekasih memiliki usia hubungan yg pnjg adala dgn wujudnya skp saling bkerjasama,..ktew & psgn sering saling mbantu dlm urusan remeh @ besar, 1,..sering menempuh segala aspek kehidupan bsama2 sehingga semuanya terasa amat menyenangkan meskipun tanpa membabitkan owg laen,,,frenz,..does it happen to u guyz??..
tell u guyz something,..salah 1 kiteria yg menentukan sesuai @ x someone 2 utk ktew adala,,keupayaannya utk bskap bsahaja di depan ktew,..ktahuila,..seseowg itu xkn mampu utk bpura2 di hadapan ktew melebihi 3 hari,..skp sebenar pasti akn tkeluar jga walaupown cket,.so,,beware frenz!!
ha,,2 la bwu dikatakan CINTA PLASTIK,..klo si dia mjady diri owg laen,,dlm erti kata laen,,bpura2,..
CINTA PLASTIK,..da yg kate cnta kpd material, nk yg kaya2 jew,..
tpy,,klo juz cnta kt muke yg handsme & lawa pown bley dikategorikan cnta plastik,,kn??..
so,..frenz,..don't do it ya, 4 me,..mmg xslah mcari psgn yg mukanya cun & kacak,,coz,..dgn diala ktew nk share everything slain mgadap muke dia ary2 kn,..tpy,..agk2 la,..jgn cmpy mata itu dibutakan dgn kcantikan rupa paras,..
even ISLAM sendiri da menggariskn pnduan memilih pasangan utk dijadikan tman hidup,..
so,,plihla seseowg 2 kerana agamanya,..keturunanya,,hartanya,..& then bwula kecantikannya,..
mnat & syg seseowg 2 biarla ikhlas dari dlm aty,,jgnla hnya kpd material & fizikalnya smata2,..blajarla terima kekurangannya & hargailah kelebihannya,..fahamila tol2 istilah nobody perfect in this world,..huhuhu,..
ktew,,seringkali tlupa smua 2,..xslh being perfectionist,,tpy,..knala pada tmpatnyew,..
CINTA SEJATI,..deria batiniah seolah2 akn dpt dbaca antara 1 sama laen,.. u guyz bley mbaca fikiran,..menduga reaksi & perasaan antara 1 sama laen,..
& apabila bsama dirinya membuatkan perasaa menjadi tenang,,selesa dan tanpa tekanan yg membebankn,..
not just that,.. si dia mrupkan owg yg ptama dtg member bantuan tatkala ktew dirundung musibah,..ha,..does it happen to u??..
so,,agk2,..bley fham x??.. ase2 bley beza kew x,? frankly speaking,,aq kna blajar byk ag utk recognise all those things,..hehe,..
kpd u guyz,..yg da found their true love,..appreciate it k,.. but to those..xpew,,take ur tyme,,itew cari cme2, owg utara kate,,pelan2 kayuh,,hahaha,..
Posted by bella at 11:37 AM 0 comments
to afifah dana
beb,,thank you so much,.. i do appreciate ur help,.. tbaek wok!!!!!!!! thanx,..
Posted by bella at 1:54 AM 0 comments
Thursday, March 10, 2011
hey hey hey,.. aq xpcyew cinta, xpcyew C,I,N.T.A.
emm,,talking about love,,i think that i can surely tell about it a lot,.. huhuhu,..but,,tonyte's,..i am totally not sure, be honest,,,i still can't figure out da mean of love internally,.. haha,..bfalsafahla pla,..hehe,.. tpy,,tol,..mmg xtwu ag,,haha,,aq mmg blurrr cket ttg niy,. tpy,,cnta thadap ALLAH,,MY PARENTS,,MY FAMILY,,THE EARTH,,THE TOP FASHION,..2 aq twu,.. hehe,..lwak r pla,..
bagi aq,.. cnta 2 ibarat rama2,.. lg ktew kjar,,lg jaoh dia lari,..& syuke dtg blewr xdijangka,..ase2 tol x??.. xla,,kdg2 ktew mmg xpernah xpect cnta nk muncul dlm idop ktew,..twu2 muncul ajew,..haha,.. confuse gk kekadang,..hehe,..
emm,,tpy,,criuz,.. aq xbrani nk bhadapn dgn cnta,.. tkowt terluka di akhirnya, lgu niy,..
" hati terluka bila ku sedar kau khianati cinta,..jiwa meronta bila ternyata kau duakn cnta,..sungguhku xmyangka bgini diakhirnya,..kau tinggalkn ku hati terluka,..
ku terima semuanya dengan tabah,..mengharapkan,..ada hiikmaaah,.."
ececeh,,feeling la pla,.. hehe,.
emm,,kowg agk2 pew asenyew blew ktew ase cm da jmpa da ryte one,,tpy,last2 dia blah tnggalkn ktew utk
owg laen,..huh,,sungguh unacceptable!!! huhu,,kekejaman aty sdang blaku,.. eeeee,,,geram!!
eh2,,over jew aq niy,,haha,..
so,,betterla b sngle 4 da moment,,blewr break off,,msty heart broken,..pastu,,akn ckp cmua gulz & guyz cme ,.. huhuhu,,that was totally a big mistake!!!! don't do it dear frenz,.. ktew xbley hukum owg laen ats ksalahn owg laen,,ryte??.. so,,redha yew,.. coz,.ALLAH sntiasa bsama ktew,..yupz,..totally i know it was hard,.. coz,..i've had go through it too,..
entah knape,..lgu niy tol2 melekat dlm jiwa aq,..mybe sbb ianya mrupakn salah 1 lgu yg mnjady sumber kekuatan aq,.. bkn nk typu @ mnumpang glamor lgu niy,,but niy tol2,..ini betol2,,bukan cobaan!! hehe,..
lagu niy pnuh dgn kata2 semangat,.. yg ckup bley mnenangkn para pndengarnya,..stuju??..hehehe,.
eh,,cm lari topik jew niy,.. bkn ptot ckp ttg cnta kew,, haha,.. k2,..back to da topic, my life,,aq ase aq xprnh ag rmpas hak owg,..owg adala yg syuke rampas hak aq,.. xptot2,.. dhla 2,..blewr dia break pla,..sesedap ase jewr nk kta aq prampas,.. huhu,,cdey aq,.. aq rampas tol2 kang,,bwu twu!!,,huhuhu,,tpy,,aq bkan cm 2,.. mama & abah aq xprnh mgajar aq utk mrampas hak owg,,,insya-ALLAH,.. i won't do it,. ya ALLAH,,jaohknla hamba-MU ini dari cmua pkara yg xdiingini,..amin,.
coz,,aq pown twu how it feels,.. cdey beb,.huhu,. da byk kaly kna pown,..cmpy kdg2 smpati kt aty aq,..mjady mangsa kekejaman kpd diktaktor aty di luar cne yg gmar mgambil ksempatan ke ats owg laen sekaligus mnampakkn ciri2 seowg yg selfish dlm diri,..hehe,..tpy,,crius,.. cdey cgt2,..da ase2 cm mnum air pnas dgn sakit tekak taw,.. hehe,..
pling pnting,,,jgn cpt putus asa,..hehe,,psanan kpd tuan empunya badan jga niy,.. kdg2 tgk2 membe punye love story,,aq pla ase tkowt,..bkn pew,,da yg k,,da yg gak yg k.o. hehe,..
so,..renung2 knla & selamt beramal,.. hehe,..niy juz my opinion,..sorry if hurting anybody,..
Posted by bella at 10:44 PM 2 comments
alhamdulillah,..praise to ALLAH,..
congratz 4 MALAYSIAN SQUAD 4 da winning,..alhamdulillah,.. confuse gylewr cmlm,.. maen kew x,.huhuhu,.. rupanya maen yew,..tkilan cket coz xdpt nk tgk,.. but,,its sokeyla,.. jnji MALAYSIA da mnang,..hehehe,..
Posted by bella at 12:38 PM 0 comments
hehe,..actually,..ase cm xtwu pew da jdy cmlm,.. da game kew x??.. tpy,,LIVE xdew,,,i guess,..mmg xdewla kowt,..mybe postpone,,ryte??..tpy,,apew2 pown,,hope team MALAYSIA akan okay2 ajew..huhu,. xla,,diaowg stay kt pakistan 2 da la ase rsau jga,. huhuhu, x nyew, da ltupan bom yg mgorbankn 20 owg warga pakistan,.. yg mnambahkn kbimbangan ag adala,..ltupan bom 2 blaku dlm lbey kuang 200 km dari hotel our MALAYSIAN player,.. huhuhu,.. but,,its juz a basic info,.. xtwu,,btol2 veified x,..
Posted by bella at 8:10 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
assalammualaikum,.. emm,,all this while always talk about wanna have my own blog,.. finally,.. i do hve 1 now,.. hehehe,..alhamdulilllah,.. alryte,. tyme to go to bed,.. nyte,..
Posted by bella at 12:51 AM 0 comments