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Thursday, March 10, 2011

hey hey hey,.. aq xpcyew cinta, xpcyew C,I,N.T.A.


emm,,talking about love,,i think that i can surely tell about it a lot,.. huhuhu,..but,,tonyte's,..i am totally not sure, be honest,,,i still can't figure out da mean of love internally,.. haha,..bfalsafahla pla,..hehe,.. tpy,,tol,..mmg xtwu ag,,haha,,aq mmg blurrr cket ttg niy,. tpy,,cnta thadap ALLAH,,MY PARENTS,,MY FAMILY,,THE EARTH,,THE TOP FASHION,..2 aq twu,.. hehe,..lwak r pla,..

bagi aq,.. cnta 2 ibarat rama2,.. lg ktew kjar,,lg jaoh dia lari,..& syuke dtg blewr xdijangka,..ase2 tol x??.. xla,,kdg2 ktew mmg xpernah xpect cnta nk muncul dlm idop ktew,..twu2 muncul ajew,..haha,.. confuse gk kekadang,..hehe,..

                         (gmbar rama2,..hehe,..ase2 comey x??..)

emm,,tpy,,criuz,.. aq xbrani nk bhadapn dgn cnta,.. tkowt terluka di akhirnya, lgu niy,..
" hati terluka bila ku sedar kau khianati cinta,..jiwa meronta bila ternyata kau duakn cnta,..sungguhku xmyangka bgini diakhirnya,..kau tinggalkn ku hati terluka,..
ku terima semuanya dengan tabah,..mengharapkan,..ada hiikmaaah,.."
ececeh,,feeling la pla,.. hehe,.

emm,,kowg agk2 pew asenyew blew ktew ase cm da jmpa da ryte one,,tpy,last2 dia blah tnggalkn ktew utk
owg laen,..huh,,sungguh unacceptable!!! huhu,,kekejaman aty sdang blaku,.. eeeee,,,geram!!
eh2,,over jew aq niy,,haha,..

so,,betterla b sngle 4 da moment,,blewr break off,,msty heart broken,..pastu,,akn ckp cmua gulz & guyz cme ,.. huhuhu,,that was totally a big mistake!!!! don't do it dear frenz,.. ktew xbley hukum owg laen ats ksalahn owg laen,,ryte??.. so,,redha yew,.. coz,.ALLAH sntiasa bsama ktew,..yupz,..totally i know it was hard,.. coz,..i've had go through it too,..


entah knape,..lgu niy tol2 melekat dlm jiwa aq,..mybe sbb ianya mrupakn salah 1 lgu yg mnjady sumber kekuatan aq,.. bkn nk typu @ mnumpang glamor lgu niy,,but niy tol2,..ini betol2,,bukan cobaan!! hehe,..
lagu niy pnuh dgn kata2 semangat,.. yg ckup bley mnenangkn para pndengarnya,..stuju??..hehehe,.

eh,,cm lari topik jew niy,.. bkn ptot ckp ttg cnta kew,, haha,.. k2,..back to da topic, my life,,aq ase aq xprnh ag rmpas hak owg,..owg adala yg syuke rampas hak aq,.. xptot2,.. dhla 2,..blewr dia break pla,..sesedap ase jewr nk kta aq prampas,.. huhu,,cdey aq,.. aq rampas tol2 kang,,bwu twu!!,,huhuhu,,tpy,,aq bkan cm 2,.. mama & abah aq xprnh mgajar aq utk mrampas hak owg,,,insya-ALLAH,.. i won't do it,. ya ALLAH,,jaohknla hamba-MU ini dari cmua pkara yg xdiingini,..amin,.

coz,,aq pown twu how it feels,.. cdey beb,.huhu,. da byk kaly kna pown,..cmpy kdg2 smpati kt aty aq,..mjady mangsa kekejaman kpd diktaktor aty di luar cne yg gmar mgambil ksempatan ke ats owg laen sekaligus mnampakkn ciri2 seowg yg selfish dlm diri,..hehe,..tpy,,crius,.. cdey cgt2,..da ase2 cm mnum air pnas dgn sakit tekak taw,.. hehe,..

pling pnting,,,jgn cpt putus asa,..hehe,,psanan kpd tuan empunya badan jga niy,.. kdg2 tgk2 membe punye love story,,aq pla ase tkowt,..bkn pew,,da yg k,,da yg gak yg k.o. hehe,..

so,..renung2 knla & selamt beramal,.. hehe,..niy juz my opinion,..sorry if hurting anybody,..



ni mesti berdasarkn pngalamn..
anyway kbnykn yg ditulis memang benar..
memng pdh bila aty dilukai..
hati owg kita jaga,
tp hati kita sapa yg nk jga??

bella said...

hafiz,.. thanx 4 da comment,..
yupz,..thats ryte bro,.. it is by da experience of myself...
aha,,yupz,..i agree wth u,..who's gonna tke care of our heart ryte??.. huhuhu,..