Blogger Layouts

Saturday, March 12, 2011

breakfast with my family,..


hehe,..this morning,,my family & i went 4 breakfast at McD,.. hehe,,,first tyme g breakfast kt cne,,2 yg xcited lbey,..haha,..alamak!! tlebey suda,.. hehe,..

em,,,first2 g,,mak ai!! rmy gylewr,..perhaps coz its saturday's morning,.. cty skool pla kn,.. mmg rmy la eh,..
ktewowg try set family breakfast,..ala yg dlm iklan 2,.hehe,..sodap3,..hehe,..tpy,,nsib baekla xrmy yg tgh beratur 2,.. klo x,,hampeh,,..huhu,..yewla,,xcited nk mknla katakan,.. hehe,..


da dpt our food,..apew ag,,bedal la!!,.. omak ai,..gelojohnyewr,.. hehe,..xla,..itewowg start la mkn,..hehe,..xknla nk tgk ajew kn,..hehe,..abiz mkn,,tyme 4 tking pic!!! haha,..

pkir2 blik,,wt trowk jew ktwowg tke pic kt cne,..tpy,,hey!! this is MALAYSIA la,.. we can do anything what we wanna do as long as x against da law,.. ryte??..

ckaly ckala,,dpt breakfast ckaly kt McD 2,,best gk,.. yewla,..slalunyew cmua bz dgn keje,,skool,,mcm2 ag la,.. so,,mmg really appreciate da moment so much,..thanx 2 my beloved family,.. i luv u guyz so much,..u guyz da best thing had ever happen to me,..
alhamdulillah,..may ALLAH bless all of us,..amin,..