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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

alhamdulillah,... :-)

okay,.... first of all,,,,nk say sorry gilerr2 coz da lame x update blog,.... been a quite busy lately,.... emm,,,, to make it short,.... 23 hb ary 2,,da mjlis anugerah cemerlang,... alhamdulillah,.......okay2 jew,...... ase cm terharu pown da actually,.... hehehe,...

so,,niy da picca2 yg bley itew share kt cni,... em,,,actually,,byk g kt fb,... but,,niy adala sbahagian drpd nyew,... hehe,,... usha2 la yeh,... hehe,...

cmt mengusha,.!!!

hee~~ cmpt g posing b4 naek pntas,...ahahaha,..

okay,..... cmpy ctu la yew,......hehehe,......
so,... enough dlu yeh,... t2 itew smbung k,... 1 more good news,,,emm,,, msalah itew dgn dia da sttle,....
hee~~ alhamdulillah,... :-)
sesungguhnya hamba-MU ini bsyukur di ats cmua rezeki,,nikmat & kebahagiaan yg telah ENGKAU kurniakn,......
alhamdulillah,,syukur nikmat,.....kpd tuhan yg memberi rahmat,... :-)