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Sunday, November 27, 2011

what should i say?


first of all,,SALAM MAAL HIJRAH kepada cmua umat islam,.. sama2 ktew bhijrah ke arah yg lbey baek slepas niy yea... insya-ALLAH...

em,,hari ini hari ahad,.. mmg agak bz cket,,coz da kndury yg perlu dihadiri,.. alhamdulillah,,cmuanyew bjlan lancar.. :-)

the moment i am typing this entry,,i actually felt so frustrated until i barely can't describe how it feels.. it just like a glass that smash onto a stone.. can imagine how was it? seriously,,,cgt2 frust!
yea,,i know,..bkn mudah utk menerima kkalahn,.. sy twu,.. & sy fham,..cma,,xtwu knapa sy rsa ssah nk terima,.. maybe coz ktew da leading dgn baek tdy..

MALAYSIA,.kalah lagi,.. seriously,,it shouldn't happen.. okay,,stop at there! xsnggup nk tulis lg,.. sememangnyew,,brat nk terima,,tpy,,nk wt cmne? da mmg xdew rezeky ktew nk mnang.. player2 da cba lakukn yg tbaek,.. lg pown.. da diantara yg dibelenggu kcederaan,,but still twun,.. 2 mnunjukkn btapa diaowg nk kn kmenangan,..

so,,as a supporter and one of the big fan of football,,,i accept it,.. redha,.. coz,,mmg nmpk diaowg da cba,.. just hlang fokus last2 mnit,.. insya-ALLAH,.. MALAYSIA pasti akan bangkit cmula,.. cme2 ktew doakn,........ :-)

*p/s utk certain2 pminat bola yg anta mcj kpd sy.. twu anda frust,,sy pcaya 1 MALAYSIA sdang frust krana team ktew klah,.. tpy,,tlg jgn pnuhkn inbox fb sy dgn soalan2 yg sy sndiri xdew jwpnnyew,.. yea? knpa MALAYSIA maen cm 2..?sorry...but,, i am NOT the right one to talk about this & i have NO rights in judging them,... sorry..hope you guys would understand.. :-)

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

new class..

em,,today is 23/11/11... yea..its been almost 3 days since the new semester starts... tell you guyz what,,been in the other class (not the class in last sems) make me feel uncomfortable,.. but,,only at first, feel kinda odd ! huhuhu,..

right,,enough about that,.. yea,,perhaps,,its still new,.. & people tend to make a lot of assumptions toward others,... hey..first impressions is the last impressions right? either actually,.. but,,i do stick at the principle "do not judge the book by its cover".. yea.. i did that.. but,,when they have showed their true color,,yea..what more to expect..its their attitude right!

okay,,get back to the schedule,,well,,i think,.. quite pack,,but,,i just love it!! :-)
roommate? yea..okay.. college too! :-) alhamdulillah...

what more hmm?
oh yea..the football game,.. congrats MALAYSIA 4 sustaining the gold medal,.. hahaha,..proud to be MALAYSIAN,...
and,,tonight... there will be another game right? ahaa.. the senior team! MALAYSIA VS SYRIA.. haha.. well,... best of luck & make us proud yea?
victory2,,,please.. :-)

one more thing that i would wanna share,.. my feet,.. melecet! alahai,.. cdeyh! seriously,,i'm not pulling ur legs,.. its really hurt me! :-(
thought of going to clinic,,but then yea,.. what they'll do is only by giving cream that might help to reduce the pain & plaster,.. yea,,plaster,.. i am running out of it now,.. huhuhuhuhu..

okay,,,thats 4 now,.. later on,,insya-ALLAH,,i'll update some more yea? thanks for reading! keep following my blog friends!
salam 1 malaysia..

Sunday, November 6, 2011

feel like crying! :-(


okay,,first of all,,, SALAM AIDILADHA 2 every MUSLIMS in the world.. may ALLAH bless all of us,.. :-)

Its quite some time since last i'm updating the blog,.. sorry,.. can't really find enough time to write it here... a lot things had happen,... sometimes,,,I do feel like crying,... YA ALLAH,,,give me the strength please,.. afraid that I can't really handle it anymore...

it is too many,,if i would to say it here,..i think,maybe until the day of tomorrow also it will be not come to an end.. just sometime yea, people said that,,,its good to have someone behind our back,.. *ala,,cm ctew dlm tv,..wa blakang lu bro!* hahahaha,.. sounds funny is it? but thats the reality,.. if we do have a true friend that always will be with us,,no matter what happen,,,we gonna be the luckiest person ever!

aiyaaa,... what am i babbling around? just whats wrong with me?
hmm,,,,until the moment i am typing this entry,,i would say that,,,my tears if going to roll down at my cheeks.. ya ALLAH,.. give me the strength please,.. protect me from all those things that gonna hurt me,...please...

i may not a perfect person,..i may not pretty,, and i may not tall as the all the  models,..hahaha,, but i do know that,,i love my life so much,.. so please,,to those people who just only come in my life in order to annoy me,,or just to make me irritate,,well,,,i am welcoming you out of my life!
*p/s : sy xhalau anda,.. sy cma xnk msg2 btambah kbencian antara 1 sama lain,.. & andai kmaafan yg kamu pnta dari sy,,sy akan kata...

"ya aku,,maafkan kamu,,xperlu kta bertemu,,cukup kau tahu... ya aku,,maafkan kamu,.. tlg teruskn hidup,,jgn sbut namaku"

itu antara lirik lagu jamal abdillah & malique,... hayatilaa,.. for me,,its quite a good song actually...

& to those people,,who always been there 4 me,.. thank you so much! do appreciate it well,.. hope you guys will keep it that way yaa... :-) hope it will last forever!!

ya ALLAH,.. hambaMU ini berterima kasih ats sgala rahmat yg KAU limpahkan kepadaku,.. terima kasih juga atas segala dugaan yg diberikn,.. seseungguhnya,,ia membuat hambaMU ni mnjady lbey tabah,..

akhir kata,,, lastly,...